Ready To Play

It was a scary moment... walking into a group of people who've already had time to get to know each other, to create memories and inside jokes. I felt like an outsider, a stranger, and that familiar loneliness crept in.

But now, it's my choice.

I can stay on the outside if I close myself off, if I give in to the urge to retreat. Or, I can open up, listen, learn, and allow myself to be vulnerable. They've shown me warmth, they're open-hearted and willing to accept me... I just have to let them. Maybe, just maybe, I can find a place here by sharing a little more of myself.


  • Available
  • 200
  • 6 x 6
    • Modern/Contemporary
    • Pop Art
    • Representational
    • Traditional
    • Everyday Life
    • Still LIfe
Eagle Owl's Glare
Spill It

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25 Days of Minis