"Forever Poinsettia"

Growing up, we couldn't have poinsettias because they're poisonous to cats. While I loved my cats, I also loved poinsettias. The cruel thing is that my dad would give them as gifts to every family member on Christmas! Everybody got a poinsettia except for us! When I got older, I tried the artificial ones but it just wasn't the same. So, may I present to you...my forever poinsettia! Don't worry, you can have it because I already made one for myself! This one is pretty cute though!

"Forever Poinsettia" is a 10x10 wood panel in a black wooden floating frame. Varnished for protection. Wired and ready for hanging.


  • Sold
  • 120
  • 10x10
    • Abstract
    • Floral
    • Non-Objective
Holiday Rain

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