And that's a wrap!  Thank you for being a part of our 2024 show.

Rachel Coleman

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I am a fluid artist from Chester County, Pennsylvania. I became obsessed, yes obsessed, with this medium after a trauma lead me to seek therapy. It was suggested I practice using the right side of my brain and try something creative.

I saw many YouTube videos of fluid art, which lead me to giving it a try. Pouring vibrant colors on a canvas and watching them swirl around, was hypnotic to me. There were so many styles and looks that could be achieved. I tried a few different mediums for a while but kept going back to fluid art.

Practicing this medium has quieted my mind. I get a temporary reprieve from stress, anxiety, and my trauma. This is my art therapy, my medicine. I am so grateful to have found my passion! Today, I even teach others this form of art. I have many students say that they don't have an artistic bone in their body but you don't know if you don't try! I would have said the same thing three years ago about myself! Anything is possible and it's never too late to try something new.

My inspirations are color, geodes, and the elements of nature. They are all reflected in my work. Thank you for reading!

Artist's Complete Works:
Visit us on December 1st to browse the new collection of Minis.






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25 Days of Minis