And that's a wrap!  Thank you for being a part of our 2024 show.

Holly Rostkowski

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"A little Broken and Uniquely Beautiful." My hope is to help people see the beauty that is within them: that being a little broken does not have to be anything less than beautiful!

I often thought that I was too broken, that I was too damaged and unworthy; unable to do the hard things, but through love, through family, through friends and very importantly, through my art, I have come to realize that I am a heck of a lot stronger than I thought! I can do hard things!

"Kintsugi" is the centuries old Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold - it is built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even more stronger, more beautiful piece of art. Every break is unique and instead of repairing an item like new, this technique actually highlights the "scars" as part of the design. Using this as a metaphor for healing ourselves teaches us an important lesson: Sometimes in the process of repairing things that have broken, we actually create something more unique, beautiful and resilient. 

We all may be a bit broken in our own right, but that is what makes us all uniquely beautiful! 

I am a mixed media artist who just loves texture in my work! I use mark making and my own personal forms of symbolism, and lots of gold, to share my stories through my art.

xo, Holly Lee


Artist's Complete Works:
Visit us on December 1st to browse the new collection of Minis.






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25 Days of Minis