Polar Opposites

This oil on wood painting titled, Polar Opposites, measures 6" x 12" x 1.5" deep. The sides are painted a complimentary color pulled from the painting. It is wired to hang on a wall or can sit on a shelf. This mini comes wrapped and ready for holiday gifting to a special someone or to add to your own art collection!

This mini is a fictional mash-up of a snowy owl from the polar north encountering an adelie penguin from the south pole. This could only happen in a zoo! They also differ because it is also a flying bird vs. a land/seabird! Who knows what changes and havoc global warming will create over time.Just food for thought!

The Snowy Owl is mostly a circumpolar species, which means that individuals live and nest in the far north regions around the North Pole. They inhabit the Arctic Circle tundra during their breeding season. Outside of their breeding season, this species also can be found in areas of southern Canada and the northern United States, as well as parts of Asia and Europe.

These owls are not strictly nocturnal or diurnal. The type of prey available dictates when the owl sleeps. They can hunt in daylight and breed where the sun never sets! The snowy owl is now listed as vulnerable to global extinction.

The Adélie penguin is one of only four penguin species and the smallest penguin to nest in Antarctica. They are feisty penguins and aren't afraid to take on potential predators such as seals or even large seabirds using their flippers to slap them!


  • Available
  • 375
  • 6 x 12
    • Impressionism
    • Modern/Contemporary
    • Representational
    • Traditional
    • Animals
    • Narrative
    • Portrait
It's a Snow Day
Swan Heart

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