By Juanita Bellavance on Wednesday, 23 October 2024
Category: Acrylic

Beneath the Open Sky

Thinking back on a trip we took to Paris a few years ago, I was struck by how closely the buildings were, with no greenery on the sidewalks like we have in Atlanta. However, I loved how frequently food stands selling baguettes were available. We walked so much that it was the first time I returned from vacation, having eaten a lot but lost five pounds instead of gaining any weight. LOL!

Another surprise was that I felt vulnerable and exposed when we returned home, where the streets and sidewalks were more spacious. While there were beautiful fields in France, we always saw them through the windows of a train, still in a confined space. I wonder if others have had a similar experience regarding the contrast of space in their cities.

Nonetheless, I would love to return to France and venture into Italy.